$44.00 USD

Every month

14 day trial
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Breathe, B*tch - $1.00 Two Week Trial Offer

2-Week Trial of Breathe, B*tch Virtual Breathwork Membership. 

What you'll get:

  • 2 Live Breathwork Sessions a month.
  • Breathwork is held on a Tuesday & Thursday every month. If you can't make it live, it will be available on the app afterward.
  • Access in the Kajabi Community app to Past Breathwork Experiences, as well as meditations, walking affirmations, mini daily breathwork experiences, and sound healing meditations. (new contact added monthly) 
  • After your first 2 weeks, it's $44 a month.

 If after the 2-week trial period, you wish to cancel, email [email protected] to cancel. 

What People Are Saying:

As someone who doesn't like to give up control, I was doubtful about how breathwork could/would help me. However, going to Regina’s session was a wake up call to my soul. She is able to hold space in such a tender and powerful way-I am forever changed because of her work.

One of my breathwork sessions with Regina released YEARS of stored trauma from my body. The end!

I cannot wait to do breathwork with Regina again. At the end of the session, Regina guided us to give ourselves a hug, and I realized that I don’t think I’ve ever felt that way about myself or given myself self love with that true intention. It was truly an amazing experience and I am forever grateful.

Breathwork with Regina has been transformative. I cannot wait to do more! I also can’t wait to share this with others and have visions of bringing her in to do work with our team! But personally, I am excited to do more with her!

I was in awe of how powerful my experience was through my virtual breathwork session with Regina. I was able to peel back layers of myself I didn’t think was going to be possible virtually. This is a true testament to her abilities, and her virtual sessions will definitely become a regular practice for me.